Friday, February 29, 2008

What Counts

"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love" -Gal 5:6

Everyone's relationship with God is unique like a snowflake or a fingerprint. Therefore, it shouldn't be surprising that we relate to God in different ways and that we draw closer to Him in our unique ways. One can concede the fact that there are multiple paths to God without descending to pluralism. Out of the multitude of the flock there over time arises a multitude of religious traditions. Each saint is drawn to God in different ways and as the number of saints increases so does the number of traditions. This is a good thing because it allows us to learn from one another. If one man draws closer to God by repeating mantras, perhaps many can. If one woman draws close by singing songs, perhaps many can. The only thing to remember when following traditions is to remember what it is that really counts.

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