Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Allure of Virtue

When I was in college I held an ideal of a perfect mate. She had to be very intelligent. This is so we could stay up late into the night talking about interesting ideas and events. She would also, of course, enjoy the fun things that I enjoyed, so we could escape together from the world of obligations and truly immerse ourselves in each others' company. And obviously she would be very very pretty. Those were the important attributes of what I considered a perfect woman.

Taken for granted in this ideal is the assumption that she is also virtuous - that when faced with a tough choice she could choose the harder one simply because it is right to do so. As part of growing older, and hopefully wiser, I no longer take this for granted. Thinking back over the years, I can count on one hand the women I've met that I consider to have had a truly noble character.

Now when I look forward with hope to the future, I do not think so much about a person of surpassing intellect, common interests, or great physical beauty but rather I more greatly desire the beauty of the inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth God's sight. I think this subtle change of the heart, in what it desires and values, is a small part of becoming like God. Christ was never amazed by by the external qualities of a person but rather by their faith and their godliness. It is good and fitting that God, who gives us the desires of our hearts, may bless us with a heart that can more rightly desire.

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