Thursday, March 20, 2008

Choosing Hell

Hell is something that most people don't talk about but when they do they typically fall into three camps: people who believe that a loving God will not send anyone to hell, people who believe that God allows people to choose hell, and people who believe that God condemns people to hell. The distinction between the latter two appears at first to just be spin. After all, who would choose to be tortured? It is like saying that criminals choose jail by committing a crime. Most prisoners would jump at the chance for freedom but have been condemned to prison and must be guarded so they don't escape.

I don't think "choosing hell" is meant in the same way as a prisoner "choosing jail." One doesn't have to look to far to find lots of people who choose of their own free to be chained and tormented. These people don't need to be guarded; they don't want to escape. Living long enough in this world makes it easy to convince me that in the next world, Hell will have no walls or guards.


Unknown said...

Now, apply this same theory to Salvation. It strengthens Predestination

Prophet said...

I suppose it depends on how you understand Predestination. Note that in my post I use the word "choose" often.

Unknown said...

Like you say, no one chooses Hell. Why does that not default to they choose Heaven. Yet, even with all choosing Heaven, they aren't all Saved.

Prophet said...

"Like you say, no one chooses Hell"

I don't believe that and I didn't mean to imply it. The point of this post was to say that people do choose hell and that it is not hard to believe that given all the real-life examples of people intentionally choosing hell-like existences in the world.